ZinQ is a Linux distribution created by a group of college students from College of Engineering and management Punnapra (Kerala India).ZinQ is basically created for distribute among college kids. Due to the large acceptance among common people the developers uploaded it into web so that anyone can download and use it.
Download link:http://zinqos.yubi.in/
The term ZinQ stands for "zinq is never quiet" just like "GNU-gnu is not unix'. this term initially used for denote a group of students . For doing project students find an Operating system platfom which is The Linux specially Ubuntu.
Linux is very powerful operating system yet most of common people don't like to use it. students starts thinking why people don't like this Linux specially the Ubuntu. So the students start collecting information from their friends and family; at last they find that most of common people using windows and Linux is a quiet strange place to them. Also windows programs are just click and run manner make that's easy to use.
Linux normally used among advanced users like programmers. so the students start create a linux distribution based on Ubuntu which has a similar look and feel like windows yet they keep all the power of linux intact.
Dream comes true
ZinQ is not a replication of windows the developers says that "if people need exactly a windows from Linux then start using windows instead of Linux."
At last they build a distribution that is quiet easy to use for a beginner in Linux, because they followed the idea that user gets everything that he needed as pre-installed just like a mobile phone . so people feels free to use ZinQ
What kind of people may like ZinQ
the people who actually need a change and who are only use computer for office use, net-browsing ,watch movies and listen music will be feel free at ZinQ.
Internet connectivity and printer installation etc are easy in ZinQ. It includes four main web browsers and 500+ applications .
default account in ZinQ helps to being an administrator so home user gets more freedom to use and install new applications.
what about windows applications
many windows applications are operational in ZinQ.still there exists small small problems related with running many games and softwares like Photoshop.
Facebook page:http://www.facebook.com/zinqos
boot screen after ZinQ installation:
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